2. GU USA Customer Service
  3. Online
  4. My GU Account

Not Receiving Email

If you have not received the email to verify account, please refer the following information below:

Reception Settings

Please configure your settings so that you can receive emails from GU email addresses (domain). Click here for details on reception settings. Even if you have not touched your email settings, it may be set by the company that you have a contract with. 

Junk Email Filter Settings

For some reason, emails containing URLs may be regarded as junk email. Please check your spam/junk folder for this email.

Block Spoofed Email Settings

Spoofed emails are email messages with a forged sender address. If there is a suspicion of spoofing, the email will be blocked, so please try receiving mail after disabling the "block spoofed emails function". 

Confirmation of Registered Email Address

Please confirm that the registered email address is correct. Emails may not be delivered to the following email addresses. If you have multiple email addresses, please consider changing to another email address. Addresses with consecutive dots, such as "...", addresses with a dot before the at sign, like “.@”, addresses with character strings containing symbols other than (. ! # $% &'* +? / =? ^ _ {|} ~), Please change your email address when you change to a new rate plan with the three major mobile carriers.

Check email reception status

The email delivery may be delayed due to the server status. Please refresh the inbox folder. Also, make sure that your mailbox is not full. If your order has been completed, you can check the details and status of your order in [Order History]

Online Store Order Status

Even if you do not receive the email, shipping information will not be affected on your [Order History].
If you change your email address after completing your order, we will not be able to send an email about your order to the new email address. Please check [Order History] by logging in to your account, for the details and status of your order. 

*Emails cannot be resent.

*You will be unsubscribed from the eNewsletter if we detect that emails have been blocked multiple times.

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