GU Newsletter
Our newsletter will keep you up-to-date with the latest launches, arrivals and exclusive promotions and limited time offers.
How to Subscribe to Email Newsletter
1. Open the " E-Newsletter Settings " page
2. Enter your e-mail address,
3. Check "I am over 16" box and select [Continue].
4. Check the "Gu enews" box and select [Save].
5. Check the changes on the change completion page. You will know you are subscribed when it states "Gu enews" under : E- newsletter.
* After registration, we will send you a registration completion email. The e-mail newsletter will be delivered the next following week..
How to Unsubscribe to Email Newsletter
1. Open the " E-Newsletter Settings " page
2. Enter your e-mail address,
3. Check "I am over 16" box and select [Continue].
4. Uncheck the "Gu enews" box and select [Save].
5. Check the changes on the change completion page. You will know you are unsubscribed when it states "None" under : E- newsletter.
* After deregistering, we will send you a confirmation email. The e-mail newsletter may take up to a week to be discontinued.